
Are You An Artist Wanting to Advertise on JOKERJOKERtv?

This is a special ad price for artists ONLY! Ads can be up to 30 sec long. One ad per episode. If you would like to have a professional video ad created for you please request it by emailing us in advance, our team can create any level of ad depending on your needs and you own the ad. (See more info below)

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Are You An Artist Wanting to Advertise on JOKERJOKERtv?

Hey Artists, did you know? We will freely feature your Music Videos, Short Film, and Animation on the show and we’ll even talk about your upscoming shows and releases, and all you have to do isĀ  submit your videos and show flyers. See our >SUBMIT< page for more info.

BUT, if you want to place an AD on the show we have this special ad price for ARTISTS and NONPROFITS. This IS NOT the costs for businesses. For a Business Ad go here: >BUSINESS ADS<

Ads up to 30 sec must be supplied by the artist buying the ad, and video must be sent to us by email after purchase. Send your ads to tvjokerjoker@gmail(dot)com. This purchase is for One ad on One episode, if you purchase multiples you can get that same ad on multiple episodes. Ads should be an 16″x9″ image or 720p to 1080p MP4 video up to 30 sec long.

If you would like to have a professional video ad created for you please request it by emailing us in advance, our team can create any level of ad for a price ranging from $100 to $800 depending on your needs and you own the ad. Contact our team to work out the details.

Size Chart


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